domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

Banquete Event

Conference Style

Banquet Style
Oval Table

Square Table

Round Table
        Rectangular Table



Chard=Acelga Celery=Apio Collards green=Berza Curly kale=col verde

Spinach=espinaca Watercress=berro Dandelion=taraxacum

Sorrel=Rumex acetosa Rhubarb=ruibarbo Cabbage=rebollo

Red cabbage=lombarda Brussels sprouts=col de bruselas

Cauliflower=coliflor Broccoli=brocoli Leaf lettuce=escarole

Lettuce=lechuga Escarole=escarola Iceberg=iceberg

Radicchio=achicoria Endive=endivia Garlic=ajo Spring onions=cebolleta

Chives=cebollino Onion=cebolla Leek=puerro Fennel=hinojo

Artichoke=alcachofa Asparagus=esparragos tomato=tomate

Pumpkin=calabaza Cucumber=pepino Courgette=calabacin=Marrow

Aubergines=berenjena Yam=dioscorea=ñame Sweet potato=batata

Potatoes=patatas Carrot=zanahoria Turnip=nabo Beetroot=remolacha

Radish=rabano Parsnip=chirivia Green pepper=pimiento verde

Red pepper=pimiento rojo Okra=gombo=ocra Peas=guisantes

Beans=Judias Chili=guindilla Broad beans=haba

Lentils=lentejas Chick peas=garbanzo

viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

People talk about Spanish Wine & Gastronomy

Here are some interesting video from Bratain Magazine "Decenter", one of the most important media in the wine world.

Here are 2 interviews about Spanish Wine & Gastronomy with Mr. Pancho Campo & Mr. Ferran Adria.

Mr. Pancho Campo is the first Spanish Master Of Wine in Spain, president of the wine academy.

Mr. Ferran Adria is the most important Chef in Spain, or even in the world. He with his colleague make the miracle restaurant "El Bulli".

So now let me show you the interesting video from Decanter

Interview with Pancho Campo MW

Interview with Ferran Adria